The Strive & Thrive series was really pleased to welcome Matthew Mullan, Head of Futures and Foresight at BJSS, as the guest speaker for Episode 4: Navigating into an Unknown Future.
Regular hosts Mike Oliver (Easol) and Romesh, of The FD Consultant, spoke with Matthew about his passion for assessing future possibilities in a business context.
“a structured approach to helping businesses ask ‘what kind of decisions and what kind of actions do we need to make today so that we're more resilient moving into that future?‘ ”
Some key takeaways:
· Understand the present to help shape and influence the future
· Look ahead with a broad perspective and examine many scenarios
· Strong, well thought out assumptions and strong historic data are key
If you missed the live LinkedIn episode and would like to watch the recording, click on the video above, or the links to the discussion, both in video or podcast format, are here:
· Spotify discussion with Matthew Mullan.
· YouTube discussion with Matthew Mullan.
What is Strive & Thrive?
Strive & Thrive is a series of discussions aimed to inspire and provide insights to Entrepreneurs, Business owners and the Leadership teams of growing SME businesses.
Please do check out past episodes in our series!
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Looking forward to the next live event on Feb 13th where we speak with John Sandall about How AI can be a Game Changer in Entrepreneurship.