Romesh Jeyaseelanayagam says, "If you don't have a wide mix of people in your organisation, you're giving yourself a smaller chance of accessing the best talent and having different perspectives, which ultimately can make your business stronger".

Blueprint For All posted this message on Instagram:
"Wrapping up our inspiring social media takeovers as part of Blueprint for All’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme, we’ll be joined next week by Romesh Jeyaseelanayagam of @thefdconsultant and @culemwatches 🎉
Watch our stories 05.09.22 for his top tips as Romesh continues to support aspiring young entrepreneurs by developing their understanding of key business essentials.
As our Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme comes to an end and our budding entrepreneur's prep for the big pitch... what do you think are some of the key elements needed to run a successful business?"
Blueprint for All (BFA) work with young people and communities to create an environment where everyone can thrive.
Romesh has relished the opportunity to pass on advice which may help an aspirational group of young people.
Follow Blueprint for All on Instagram to access the social media takeover on September 5th and support this fantastic project!
Please visit the Blueprint for All website to learn more about how Blueprint for All supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.